A ‘Baptized’ Qurʾān? On a Unique Illuminated Manuscript at the University of Otago Majid Daneshgar | May 18, 2017 Images & Intersections / Libraries & Collections, Visual Culture About Images & Intersections Apart from various errors in the qurʾānic text itself, my report addresses the illuminations and ornaments used in MS 11. These elements, which coincide with those commonly used in Christianity, have prompted me to call this manuscript a ‘baptized’ one. That is, by adding these elements, the copyist may have intended to visually mark this Qurʾān as associated with Christians or Christianity somehow... Read the rest of this entry
The Syriac Galen Palimpsest Digital Recovery of a Missing Link between Greek and Islamic Science Ilex Foundation | March 3, 2016 Images & Intersections / Libraries & Collections About Images & Intersections Collaboration in collecting, cataloging, and digitizing information from ancient manuscripts and codices is critical for the preservation of texts on early mathematics and science in Arabic and other languages. New developments in technology help to shed light on the complex and often obscure pathways along which the history of science developed from Late Antiquity through the Islamic Middle Ages... Read the rest of this entry